Class10 English ka Question Answer Matric Exam 2022: Bihar Board 10 वीं कक्षा इंग्लिश ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन आंसर, class 10 English model practice set 2022, दोस्तों अगर इस बार आप बिहार बोर्ड मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2022 में देने वाले हैं तो नीचे दिए गए 100 question class 10 English model set BSEB matric Exam 2022 Class10 English ka Question Answer को पढ़कर याद कर ले I
Bihar board matric Exam 2022 class 10th English ka model question, Important class 10th English question answer for BSEB Matric Exam 2022, class 10th अंग्रेजी का प्रश्न उत्तर मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2022 मॉडल क्वेश्चन पेपर IClass10 English ka Question Answer Matric Exam 2022
Class10 English ka Question Answer Matric Exam 2022
There are 100 objective type questions, out of which only 50 objective questions to be answered. Choose the Correct Answer and Mark Your answers with ball point pen 【Blue/Black】 in OMR Sheet. 9 ( Class 10th इंग्लिश ऑब्जेक्टिव Model क्वेश्चन आंसर )
1. Mr. Johnson was asked to use his car less in order to save to :
【A】 environment
【B】 diesel
【C】 weight
【D】 petrol
2. What does the word ‘abode’ mean in ‘Gillu’ ?
【A】 home
【B】 garden
【C】 foreign
【D】 field
3. The koel is desperately looking for him :
【A】 beloved
【B】 food
【C】 friends
【D】 rain
4. What was the amount of the bet between the banker and the lawyer?
【A】 Two thousand dollars
【B】 Two million roubles
【C】 Two thousand roubles
【D】 Two billion roubles
5. The common characteristic of all cultures is :
【A】 adjustment
【B】 civilization
【C】 toleration
【D】 unity
6. Who has composed the poem ‘Polythene Bag’?
【A】 Durga Prasad Panda
【B】 Periasamy Thooran
【C】 Puran Singh
【D】 Laxmi Prasad Devkota
7. Who is Madhava ?
【A】 Lord Krishna’s friend
【B】 The other name of Lord Krishna
【C】 Lord Krishna’s enemy
【D】 a follower of Lord Krishna
8. Who is the author of the Poem ‘The Sleeping Porter’ ?
【A】 Puran Singh
【B】 Laxmi Prasad Devkota
【C】 Periasamy Thooran
【D】 Vikram Seth
9.How can Allergic diseases be treat ?
【A】 By avoidance of the allergen
【B】 By taking anti-allergic medicine
【C】 By taking anti-allergic doses
【D】 both ‘A’ and ‘B’
10. According the author of ‘What is wrong with Indian films’, why are Indian films not shown abroad?
【A】 India offers potential market for her own products.
【B】 Because Indian films are weak in quality
【C】 Due to language problem
【D】 None of these
11. R.C. Hutchinson has written :
【A】 Me and The Ecology Bit
【B】 Acceptance Speech
【C】 The pace for Living
【D】 Once upon a Time
12. In ‘The Pace for Living’ the author saw a :
【A】 movie
【B】 dance
【C】 play
【D】 football match
13.Me and The Ecology Bit’, has been authored by:
【A】 R.C. Hutchinson
【B】 Mahadevi Verma
【C】 Leo Tolstoy
【D】 Jon Lexau
14. Which one is not one of the slogans in ‘Me and The Ecology Bit’
【A】 Save Earth
【B】 Save Tree
【C】 Save Mountain
【D】 Save Water
Class10 English Question Answer Matric Exam 2022
15. Mahadevi Verma was basically
【A】 a dramatist
【B】 a novelist
【C】 a poetess
【D】 a reporter
16. In the story written by Mahadevi Verma ‘Gillu’ was a
【A】 Crow
【B】 Squirrel
【C】 Parrot
【D】 Peacock
17. Satyajit Ray was a well-known
【A】 actor
【B】 film director
【C】 singer
【D】 artist
18. According to the essay “What is wrong with Indian Films”, the average American film is a /an:
【A】 bad model
【B】 average model
【C】 good model
【D】 excellent model
19. Aung San Suu Kyi’, was born in :
【A】 Russia
【B】 London
【C】 Rangoon
【D】 America
20. ‘Aung San Suu Kyi, won the nobel prize in the field of:
【A】 Peace
【B】 Science
【C】 Literature
【D】 Economics
21. Toni Morrison received the Nobel Prize in:
【A】 1990
【B】 1992
【C】 1991
【D】 1993
22. ‘Once upon a time there was an old woman, Blind wise’ has been taken from:
【A】 A Blind and Wise Woman
【B】 Acceptance of Speech
【C】 Once Upon a Time
【D】 An Old Woman
23. Who has written “The Unity of Indian Culture’
【A】 Toni Morrison
【B】 Leo Tolstoy
【C】 Trinath Mishra
【D】 Humayun Kabir
24. According to the writer of The Unity of Indian Culture’ the….. were regarded as the earliest invaders of the land:
【A】 Aryans
【B】 Sakas
【C】 Greeks
【D】 British
25. The story written by ‘Leo Tolstoy’ is:
【A】 Little Girls and Little Boys
【B】 Little Girls Wiser Than Men
【C】 Little Girls Cleverer Than Men
【D】 Little Girls Smarter than Men
Class10 English ka Question Answer
26. Leo Tolstoy’s story is about
【A】 two girls
【B】 two boys
【C】 three girls
【D】 three boys
27. “God Made The Country: has been composed by
【A】 William Wordsworth
【B】 William Shakespeare
【C】 William Cowper
【D】 William Blake
28. According to the poem ‘God made the Country’. Man made:
【A】 walls
【B】 villages
【C】 towns
【D】 roads
29. A poem written in fourteen lines is called:
【A】 an ode
【B】 an elegy
【C】 a sonnet
【D】 a lyric
BSEB Class 10 English Model Question Matric Exam 2022
30. According to the poet of ‘Ode on Solitude: a happy man is satisfied with:
【A】 a few acres of inherited land
【B】 more acres of inherited land
【C】 a few crores of inherited money
【D】 a lot inherited property
31. Burnt ‘Polythene Bag’ exudes
【A】 Pungent smell
【B】 Pure smell
【C】 Pleasant smell
【D】 Peculiar smell
32. Vidyapati belongs to :
【A】 Mathura
【B】 Mahishi
【C】 Madhubani
【D】 Masaurhi
33. The Empty Heart’ speaks about :
【A】 Happiness
【B】 Greed
【C】 Sorrow
【D】 Fear
34. The Sleeping Porter’ carries a load of:
【A】 twenty kilos
【B】 twenty five kilos
【C】 thirty kilos
【D】 thirty five kilos
35. Who is the main character in the story January Night’?
【A】 Veekhu
【B】 Halku
【C】 Shekhun
【D】 Harkhu
36. ‘Allergy’ has been written by:
【A】 P.S. Singh
【B】 S.K. Singh
【C】 S.P. Singh
【D】 P.K. Singh
37. Laxmi Prasad Devkota presided over the first national poetry festival of Nepal organized by Nepali sahitya prishad in
【A】 1940
【B】 1948
【C】 1950
【D】 1958
38. Who is the hero of the mountain ?
【A】 porter
【B】 farmer
【C】 gardener
【D】 None of these
39. Today, the cinema commands the respect accorded to any other form of…….
【A】 creative expression
【B】 major expression
【C】 good expression
【D】 None of these
40. Satyajit Ray won awards at international film festivals in ?
【A】 Newyork
【B】 Venice
【C】 London
【D】 Mumbai
41. In which year, Aung San Suu Kyi won the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of thought?
【A】 1970
【B】 1980
【C】 1990
【D】 2000
42. Unity and universality must belong to any culture that is :
【A】 true and vital
【B】 false and vital
【C】 true and good
【D】 false and bad
43. What gives him bread?
【A】 trees
【B】 fields
【C】 healthy body
【D】 milk
44. Whose writer is belongs to Bihar?
【A】 Vidyapati
【B】 Puran Singh
【C】 Satyajit Ray
【D】 Toni Morrison
45.Humayun Kabir’s lecture focuses on the glorious
【A】 India’s culture
【B】 India’s unity
【C】 India’s festivals
【D】 None of these
46.Civilization is the organisation of:
【A】 family
【B】 society
【C】 man
【D】 culture
47. The porter’s son shivered with cold and was :
【A】 afraid
【B】 angry
【C】 hungry
【D】 jealous
48. The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is for the air and ecology.
【A】 excellent
【B】 bad
【C】 good
【D】 helpful
49. The author admits that quick travel does not give the traveller the real of travels.
【A】 pains
【B】 pleasure
【C】 dreams
【D】 knowledge
50. Who has written ‘Gillu’ ?
【A】 Mahadevi Verma
【B】 Satyajit Ray
【C】 Puran Singh
【D】 Vidyapati
Bihar Board Class10 English Model Practice set matric Exam 2022
51. Ray used to compose….for his own films.
【A】 Script
【B】 Music
【C】 Songs
【D】 None of these
52. The old woman was..enough to know she could not.help the young people.
【A】 stupid
【B】 intelligent
【C】 strong
【D】 suspicious
53. Who wrote the poetry ‘God Made The Country’?
【A】 William Wordsworth
【B】 William Cowper
【C】 Alexander Pope
【D】 Durga Prasad Panda
54. Hours, days and years slide away…… for the happy man.
【A】 hard
【B】 quickly
【C】 softly
【D】 tensely
55. Where does the Cuckoo conceal itself?
【A】 In forest
【B】 In the leaves of any plant
【C】 In Mango-leaves
【D】 None of these
56. Munni asked Halku how he could have………peacefully. when his crops were being destroyed.
【A】 slept
【B】 jumped
【C】 eaten
【D】 travelled
57. Who is the author of ‘Sun and Moon’
【A】 Katherine Mansfield
【B】 John Galsworthy
【C】 Binapani Mohanty
【D】 None of these
58.How does the poet desire to sleep?
【A】 So long
【B】 Soundly
【C】 Sleep for less hours
【D】 None of these
59. Who is the poet of the poetry Polythene Bag’?
【A】 Puran Singh
【B】 Vidyapati
【C】 Alexander Pope
【D】 Durga Prasad Panda
60.What do you mean ‘Hurt’?
【A】 Luxurious
【B】 Painful
【C】 Comfortable
【D】 Troublesome
61. Vidyapati’s poems are about Radha and
【B】 Sita
【C】 Krishna
【D】 Vishnu
62. Ode on solitude has been written by
【A】 Shakespeare
【B】 Humphry
【C】 Mahadevi Verma
【D】 Alexander Pope
63. Which of the following prize was awarded to Suu Kyi?
【A】 Nobel Prize
【B】 Rafto Prize
【C】 Sakharov Prize
【D】 All of these
64. Who were regarded as the earliest invaders of India, till recently, according to the author ?
【A】 Aryans
【B】 Greek
【C】 Astrialians
【D】 Turkish
Direction 【65-70】: Choose the best option for the following:
65. Choose the correct passive form: They are going to perform a drama.
【A】 A drama is going to be performed by them.
【B】 A drama is going to perform by them.
【C】 A drama is to be performed by them.
【D】 A drama is going to perform.
66. Choose the correct passive form of: Somebody stole my pen.
【A】 Somebody has stolen my pen.
【B】 My pen was stolen.
【C】 My pen has been stolen
【D】 Somebody was stealing my pen.
67. Choose the correct passive form of 2 The news shocked me.”
【A】 I am shocked at the news.
【B】 I was shocked at the news.
【C】 I have been shocked at the news.
【D】 I was being shocked at the news.
68. Active voice of “When is coffee taken by you?” is :
【A】 When did you take coffee?
【B】 When do you take coffee?
【C】 When does he take coffee?
【D】 When you take coffee?
69. Choose the correct passive form: I was writing a poem.
【A】 I have been writing a poem.
【B】 I had been writing a poem.
【C】 I am writing a poem.
【D】 A poem was being written by me
class 10th अंग्रेजी का प्रश्न उत्तर मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2022 मॉडल क्वेश्चन पेपर
70. Choose the correct passive form:He had completed the work.
【A】 The work is completed by him.
【B】 The work has been completed by him.
【C】 The work was completed by him.
【D】 The work had been completed by him.
Directions 【71-76】: Choose the correct indirect speech:
71. Pummy said, “I want to buy a car.”
【A】 Pummy said that I want to buy a car.
【B】 Pummy said that she wanted to buy a car.
【C】 Pummy said that she wants to buy a car.
【D】 Pummy said that I wanted to buy a car.
72. Raunak says, “I shall go.to Delhi.”
【A】 Raunak said that I shall go to Delhi.
【B】 Raunak said that he will go to Delhi.
【C】 Raunak says that he will go to Delhi.
【D】. Raunak says that he would go to Delhi.
73. Ankur said; “Men are mortal.”
【A】 Ankur said that men were mortal.
【B】 Ankur said that men are mortal:
【C】 Ankur said that men will be mortal.
【D】 Ankur told that men may be mortal.
74. He said, “What a beautiful place it is!”
【A】 He said that it is a beautiful place.
【B】 He exclaimed with wonder that it was a very beautiful place.
【C】 He told that it was a beautiful place.
【D】 He enquired about the beautiful place.
75. The beggar said, “Poverty is a great curse.”
【A】 The beggar said poverty has a great curse.
【B】 The beggar said that poverty is a great curse.
【C】 The beggar said that poverty was a great curse.
【D】 The beggar said that poverty had been a great curse.
76. He said to me, “Let us go home.”
【A】 He said to me that we should let us go home.
【B】 He asked me to let us go home.
【C】 He proposed that we should go home.
【D】 He suggested to me about going home.
Direction 【77-82】: Fill in the blanks with correct verb form:
77. He will be……. a match.
【A】 played
【B】 play
【C】 playing
【D】 plays
78. Slow and steady…….the race.
【A】 win
【B】 won
【C】 wins
【D】 winning.
79. Either Amit or Sumit… done it.
【A】 have
【B】 had been
【C】 has
【D】 was
80.Ritesh……. tomorrow.
【A】 came
【B】 will come
【C】 comes
【D】 coming
81… You brush your teeth every morning?
【A】 Are
【B】 Have
【C】 Do
【D】 Was
82. They… talking at the top.of their voice and disturbed us.
【A】 are
【B】 had
【C】 do
【D】 were
Direction 【83-88】: Choose the most suitable preposition.
83. This is entirely……. you and me.
【A】 between
【B】 among
【C】 amidst
【D】 in
Class 10th इंग्लिश ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन आंसर 2022
84. Furniture is usually made…. wood.
【A】 from
【B】 with
【C】 by
【D】 of
85. He was convicted……… murder.
【A】 of
【B】 for
【C】 to
【D】 with
86. Sudha is pleased……………me.
【A】 at
【B】 in
【C】 with
【D】 of
87. The ambulance sped…….. the hospital.
【A】 with
【B】 to
【C】 for
【D】 towards
88. During rainy season, peacocks dance… joy.
【A】 of
【B】 with
【C】 from
【D】 to
Direction 【89-94】: Choose the correct spelling.
89. 【A】 Tution
【B】 Tuison
【C】 Tuition
【D】 Teutiion
【A】 Disastrous
【B】 Disasterus
【C】 Disastrus
【D】 Disssterou
【A】 Ocasion
【B】 Occasion
【C】 Ocassion
【D】 Occason
【A】 Bitwin
【B】 Between
【C】 Bitween
【D】 Beetwin
【A】 Vaccume
【B】 Vecume
【C】 Vacuum
【D】 Vaaccum
【A】 Sentence
【B】 Sequal
【C】 Severely
【D】 Sieze
Direction 【95-100】: Choose the most suitable translation.
95. सच्चाई कभी परास्त नहीं होती।
【A】 Truth may not be defeated.
【B】 Truth never gets defeated.
【C】 Truth can never be defeated.
【D】 Truth shall never be defeated.
96. धूम्रपान स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक है।
【A】 Smoking can be injurious to health.
【B】 Smoking was injurious to health.
【C】 Smoking is injurious to health.
【D】 Smoking is injurious for health.
97. मुम्बई कोलकत्ता से छोटा नगर है।
【A】 Mumbai is small than Kolkata.
【B】 Kolkata is bigger than Mumbai.
【C】 Mumbai is a smaller city than Kolkata.
【D】 Mumbai is small and Kolkata is big.
98. आज मुझे बहुत काम करने है ।
【A】 I am doing lot of work.
【B】 I have to work lot of today.
【C】 I have to do a lot of work today.
【D】 I have done lot of work today.
99. धूप में मत खेलों ।
【A】 Do not play in the Sun.
【B】 Does not play in the Sun.
【C】 Does play not in the Sun.
【D】 Do play not in the Sun.
100. मीरा नहीं रो रही है।
【A】 Mira is not crying.
【B】 Mira has not crying.
【C】 Mira are not crying.
【D】 Mira was be not crying.
Class10 English ka Question Answer Matric Exam 2022
Class 10th English question answer, 10th class English ka question Answer, class 10 English ka practice set matric exam 2022, Class 10 English ka model practice set matric exam 2021,Class10 English ka Question Answer, BSEB class 10 English model questions 2022, Bihar board class 10th English question Answer practice set Matric Exam 2022, Model questions Answer Class 10th English BSEB matric Exam 2021,Class10 English ka Question Answer,दसवीं कक्षा अंग्रेजी का मॉडल प्रैक्टिस सेट 2022, बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का मॉडल पेपर सेट मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2022, Class10 English ka Question Answerमहत्वपूर्ण मॉडल प्रैक्टिस सेट अंग्रेजी मैट्रिक परीक्षा बिहार बोर्ड 2022,Class10 English ka Question Answer
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